March 2017
Around the Globe we see suffering and and we see kindness. Thank you to everyone who puts that kindness to work and helps those so much less fortunate than us. Here is a small tidbit of kindness from around the world that we would like to share:
I live in South Africa, in a beautiful city called Cape Town. I have noticed an increase in homeless people in the small suburb of Fish Hoek, a place I call home. I have started to stop, speak with them and even learned their names. They are no longer just people I see every day, they are people I have come to know. I just wanted to tell you that your story has inspired not only those in your country but across the vast oceans. Your good deed and the kind heart from whence it comes is an inspiration. May you go from strength to strength and may your family be blessed. Thank you for being you! Gillian B. |