Spring and Summer are busy times of the year for everyone. There is Spring Cleaning, Gardening and that relief you feel when the warm weather returns. It is also a time when our Groups gather again to start making Sleeping Bags for our Homeless Neighbors. We see this trend when our trailer fills to the brim with brightly colored bags that have been so neatly put together and tied with those neckties that our husbands are happily gleaning out of the closet.
This year I have also done some homework myself by updating the simple instructions on how to put a sleeping bag together. I have also figured out how to put it online so you can print it out and take it with you to show someone new how they can help.
We are truly blessed to have so many people volunteer in this effort to help those less fortunate than us.
Thank You for Being My Brothers’ Keeper.
Please feel free to click on the link below and print out a copy of the instructions.
Sleeping Bag Instructions