Wednesday Crew

2021 Wednesday Crew
Pat, Ann, Flo, Faith, Amy & Margie
This team of volunteers meet faithfully every Wednesday morning to drink coffee, eat goodies and of course, to read and answer the mail! We love getting to know those of you who have helped us to make a difference in the lives of the homeless.
You’re like family…and many write us on a regular basis! We also sort through donations of tops, health care products, good clothing, blankets and other items, outside (all year around!) in Flo and Jim’s garage in Hop Bottom, Pa. We’ve been doing this for years … so think of us when it’s freezing outside! Brrrrr!!
PLEASE write…..we’d LOVE to hear from you! If you would like to help us by volunteering on Wednesdays, and live in Northeast Pennsylvania, we would love the extra help.